Trust us with your hardwood installation!
To help make sure your new hardwood floors look the way you want and wear as you expect them to, consider having them installed by the professional hardwood flooring specialists at Hill’s Interiors. An experienced installer will understand the differences found among the various types of hardwood flooring available and will have the specialized skills and tools needed for a successful installation. If you do plan to install your own hardwood flooring, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s approved installation guidelines to maintain your warranty.
Before your installation
Preparation is very important for a successful hardwood flooring project. Your Hill’s Interiors flooring specialist will provide complete instructions.
Hardwood flooring requires a flat, clean surface for a proper installation. To ready the area for your new flooring, you may have to remove your existing flooring. This process will be different for different types of subflooring and extra care may be required if your previous flooring is glued down or set in adhesive. Our professional hardwood specialists will come equipped with the necessary tools & knowledge to do the job right and to judge when your flooring surface is ready. A pro may also be able to assist with the disposal of your old floors.
We will need to remove all the furniture from the rooms where your new hardwood is to be installed. You should also take down photos or other wall hangings which can be damaged accidentally during the installation of your hardwood flooring.
We’ll determine the best method for installation will by assessing the width, thickness & construction of the flooring you’ve chosen. Installation will also be affected by what part of your home in which you plan to install.

During and after your installation
An adult member of your household (someone who is age 18 or older) should greet your installer and show them to the work area. Be sure to get a walkthrough of the job from the lead installer to give you a clear idea of what the work involved and to ask them any questions you have about the job.
To ensure everyone’s safety and to help the job go smoothly, keep children and pets away from the work area for the duration of the job.
Stay off your new floors for the required amount of time after the job is done. The stain and varnish that has been used on the surface will need time to cure properly. The lead installer will be able to advise you on how long this will take. If the smell of varnish or stain bothers you, open windows for ventilation or stay out of the house until the air has had time to clear.